Have I mentioned lately how much I love my husband? I love him from the top of his dark (and slightly graying), curly locks, to the tips of his cowboy "boats" (inside joke--read HERE for further insight). I love how he calls me Sweetie, Gringa, and Honey, and how he makes me feel like the most beautiful and intelligent woman on this planet. There are a million-and-one reasons why I love this man so much, but up there near the top of the list is one of the fore-front reasons: he's an incredible dad.
Paco has been a single father raising his two daughters alone for seven years now. He's been mom and dad combined and has done a fantastic job. The love these girls have for their papi is so evident, and sweet to witness...and it comes as no surprise if you know the heart of this man as I do.
There are so many things that warm my heart as I watch my husband interact with his girls--the hugs, kisses, encouraging words, playful banter... Paco jokes that his youngest, Maki, is like his tail. Whenever he looks over his shoulder, there she is, following his every move. And then there's beautiful, Mafe, who (ready-or-not, Dad) is at the eve of her teenage years. Recently she changed her Facebook status from "Single" to "In a Relationship." It didn't take Paco long to chime in on this matter. Dad swiftly (yet lovingly) informed his young daughter that the only relationship she had at the moment involved algebra and science. Mafe's status returned to "Single" that night.
This past Saturday confirmed why I love this man so much. Paco spent the entire afternoon with his girls at The Barbie Store in Lima (who knew such an establishment even existed?!) Most men wouldn't be caught dead within fifty feet of this pink paradise for little girls. And yet, there was my husband, documenting the entire outing with pictures. His youngest, Maki, received a new hairdo, while Mafe got a manicure--just another Saturday on the town with the Toreros!
I'm so thankful that this incredible man found his way back into my life and heart after 28 years apart. During the summer of '81 when we were still teenagers, I saw so many wonderful qualities in Paco Torero, but never imagined what an awesome father he would someday be. I'm so proud to call him my husband. He's everything I could ever want in a life's partner, and then some.
Now for some GREAT NEWS!!! Paco's immigration interview has been scheduled for October 18th! Within a few days of the interview, he should have their visas and by early November they should be here! To say that the past year has been long and difficult is an understatement. We'd like to thank all of our friends and family who have offered prayers and support during this ordeal. We feel truly blessed to be associated with such wonderful people.
Stay tuned for more...
So happy for you, Tami!!