The picture was taken in Peru last summer, only a few days after we were married. Paco had just returned home from work in his suit and tie, looking, well, delicious is the the word that comes to my mind. While here I am wearing no makeup, a sweat shirt and yoga pants. And yet I think we look great together--a perfect match!
Maybe I'm basing my thoughts on how I felt the moment the picture was taken (and how I still feel to this day--even more so). I'm completely and totally in love with this man. Paco's unconditional love and support allow me to bring a confident individual to our union--something I haven't always been (and honestly, I'm still a work-in-progress...but getting better every day). To sum up my thoughts in the infamous words of Jerry Maguire--he "completes me."
Some may say there are too many strikes against our relationship--different cultures, religions, etc. And yet there are so many other factors that draw us together--some tangable and others not, yet powerful none-the-less. More often than not, we share the same thoughts, dreams, desires, and even words (especially evident--and a little spooky--when we're instant messaging and simultaneously write out the same thought or phrase).
I don't know the secret formula to a successful relationship (and when/if I figure it out, you can believe that I'll either bottle it, or write it out and publish it). I do know, however, that there is so much more involved and required than sharing the same culture and religion (love, honor, and respect, to name a few).
Thanks, Paco, for being you--my other half. My perfect match!
*Note on visa status: The Visa Center will be scheduling the October interviews the second week of September (possibly next week). We're praying to be amongst this batch of interviews. Thanks for your continued support and prayers. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful and supportive family and friends!
All the best!