I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now, but since I have a bathroom floor that desperately needs a good scrubbing before I can fall into bed tonight, I just have to say that the foremost feeling I have right now is GRATITUDE.
I'm thankful to my 9 incredible children and Mr. Twister--grandson extraordinaire! YOU are the reason I get out of bed every morning. YOU are my motivation. And YOU are my inspiration! Regardless of what some parenting books may say, YOU are my best friends--I never want that to change. Thanks for putting up with me.
I'm thankful for my husband who is turning his life upside down so that we can pursue our Happily Ever After. Paco, you are my heart and soul. I can't imagine living another day of this life without you in it. I'm just so grateful you returned to my life. You and our kids are My Everything! So hold on, here we go...
Lastly, I'm thankful to my loving Father in Heaven for helping me get through this past year. His strength has held me up. His wisdom has guided me at every turn. If I've learned one thing over this past year, it's that I'm never alone. God loves me and is always by my side.
Now, on to that bathroom floor... Stay tuned.
All the best in your happily ever after!