So how did I get through my wedding day jitters? Well, I just held tight to Paco's hand and every worry or concern seemed to fade away. I've never felt more confident, secure, and even empowered than I do when I'm holding my husband's hand. And maybe that's why the past 14+ months have been especially difficult. Even though Paco and I talk every day, sometimes several times a day, it's just not the same when that hand you are aching to clasp onto--the one that lifts you up and gives you strength when you can't seem to find it on your own--is a continent away.
Just the other day Paco said to me. "You know, Tami, I truly believe that together, you and I can achieve whatever dreams and goals we set for ourselves. We can succeed in whatever we set our minds to."
What can I say? Paco IS my other half... My soul mate. He thinks so much like me it's scary at times...and completely wonderful! I'm just so thankful that one week from tonight, on our 15 month anniversary, I will finally be able to reach out, and clasp my husband's hand in mine. And I may never let go.
Stay tuned...
All the best!