If you're reading this blog for the first time, #1: WELCOME, so glad you're here! Kick your shoes off, and stay a while. If you like a good romance, I think you'll like our story. And #2: I highly recommend you scan down all the way to the very first entry of the blog because this is one story you'll want to read from start to finish.
You may have noticed that on the last entry, I never wrote Part 2 of Juntos Para Siempre/Together Forever. At the time I was just so excited to have Paco and the girls here, and we had so much "life" to catch up on, that I intended to get to Part 2 tomorrow...and well, it just never happened. HOWEVER...there IS a "rest of the story" and eventually you'll be able to read it. I hope you'll be excited to hear that I'm in the process of writing a novel based on mine and Paco's little love story. The working title is GRINGA BONITA (Paco's nick name for me).
Why a novel versus a memoir? I hear you ask. Well, I'm a novel writer, and simply stated, I'm sure I can write a much better and more interesting story if I can mix reality with fiction. It's the best of both worlds. Oh, and I get to change my name to Tiffany (which is a much cooler name than Tami)!
But for now...scan down to entry #1 and enjoy...
Mommy Gringa: An Immigration Love Story

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Juntos Para Siempre / Together Forever - Part 1

FINALLY...Paco and I and our not-so-little family are TOGETHER FOREVER...but not without having our last not-so-little hurdle to jump over.
Sit back. Make yourself comfortable. Pop yourself a bag of popcorn and grab a Coke. Maybe even find a box of tissue. I have quite the story to share...
Paco and the girls were scheduled to fly into Houston on November 8th--our 15 month anniversary. The bathroom floor was scrubbed. The kids were scrubbed. I had the perfect outfit picked out. Paco and I had talked the night of the 7th and they were all set to come. What could possibly go wrong?
Let me tell you...
When Paco and the girls arrived at the Lima airport at 5:00 a.m., they checked in their luggage, paid the taxes to leave the country, said goodbye to family members seeing them off at the airport, and then proceeded to the immigration office of the airport to check all of their documents. So far, so good...until the following conversation took place.
Airport Official: "Mr. Torero (a.k.a Houston) we have a problem. There's no judge available here at the airport today to sign the girl's documents allowing them to leave the country."
Paco: Silence.
Airport Official: "Sorry, but you can't fly today."
Paco: More stunned silence.
Airport Official: "If you can get a judge to sign the documents today, you can fly tomorrow... But you have to know that all judges in the country are on strike right now."
Paco: Continued stunned silence combined with nausea...until he could gain enough composure to speak. "Okay. If this is what I need, I'll get it. See you tomorrow."
At this point, Paco was composed...but the same couldn't be said for two sweet young ladies who had been waiting 14 1/2 months for this day to arrive.
Maki, our 9-year-old began to cry. (To the Airport Official) "Do you know what you're doing to me???!!! There's a HUGE Barbie house waiting for me at my home in Houston. And my twin sister is there waiting for me too!!!!" Tears falling down face. "You are a very mean man!!!"
Mafe was less verbal, but equally disappointed. Her very own bedroom adorned with Justin Beiber and Jonas Brother posters was waiting for her in Houston. Tears spilled from her eyes as she left the airport with her dad and sister.
Paco's dad and best buddy (The Great Pancho Torero), picked up the trio from the airport, and when Paco explained the situation and what needed to happen, Pancho, in his deep, unmistakable, Darth Vader-ish voice said, "Let's go for it!"
And they did.
Pancho drove the three to the courthouse where so many judges were marching outside with their picketing signs. Inside, Paco asked at the front desk if perhaps there was a judge inside who he could speak to. One judge (a lady) was available, so Paco and his dad proceeded to her office. If you know my husband as I do, you know that he can sell sand to the Egyptians. After a thirty-minute conversation, he left the courthouse with the signed document the Airport Official had requested.
By now it was the afternoon, and Paco decided he'd better call me. For some reason I didn't hear my phone ring, but received the following message on my cell:
"Hi Gringa. We weren't able to make the flight today because the judges are on strike. But we are going to try to fly out tomorrow morning. Let's talk on the phone tonight at 8. I love you."
I left work that day so excited because after 14 1/2 LONG months apart, I was finally going to SEE my husband that night. He was flying in at 8 p.m. I can hardly express how disappointed I felt when I heard the message. At the time I didn't even really understand what was happening. Would the strike be over the next day? Would they EVER make it here to Houston??!!! The only thing I was certain about was that, as usual, we would be having our 8:00 p.m. phone conversation. And we did.
The next morning Paco and the girls were back at the airport at 5:00 a.m. The airport employees recognized them and they were allowed to go to the head of the line to check in. After paying an additional $300 fee to change their tickets, and ANOTHER $100 airport tax fee, once again they approached the airport immigration office, and the same official from the previous morning.
Paco: "Here are the requested documents."
Airport Official: "But Mr. Torero, how do I know that these aren't forged documents? How could you have possibly gotten these documents signed by a judge when every judge in Peru is on strike?"
Paco...no longer silent: "With all due respect, this isn't your business. I got what you asked for, signed by a judge, and here it is. So, if you won't let me fly to my new home in Houston today, I'm going to bring TV cameras here to the airport, and show all of Peru what you are doing here. And not only that, I'm also going to sue you and sue the airport, and anyone else who tries to stop me and my girls from leaving today."
Airport Officer...now silenced, and red faced, took the passports, stamped and signed them. With an angry voice he replied, "I hope I never see your face again."
Paco: "That's the idea, my friend. Hasta la vista, Baby. But...I'll be back!!!!"
And that's when I received the best phone call of my life...at 5:30 a.m.
"Hey, Gringa... We're on our way. See you tonight!"
To be continued...very soon...I promise!!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Happily Ever After Eve

I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now, but since I have a bathroom floor that desperately needs a good scrubbing before I can fall into bed tonight, I just have to say that the foremost feeling I have right now is GRATITUDE.
I'm thankful to my 9 incredible children and Mr. Twister--grandson extraordinaire! YOU are the reason I get out of bed every morning. YOU are my motivation. And YOU are my inspiration! Regardless of what some parenting books may say, YOU are my best friends--I never want that to change. Thanks for putting up with me.
I'm thankful for my husband who is turning his life upside down so that we can pursue our Happily Ever After. Paco, you are my heart and soul. I can't imagine living another day of this life without you in it. I'm just so grateful you returned to my life. You and our kids are My Everything! So hold on, here we go...
Lastly, I'm thankful to my loving Father in Heaven for helping me get through this past year. His strength has held me up. His wisdom has guided me at every turn. If I've learned one thing over this past year, it's that I'm never alone. God loves me and is always by my side.
Now, on to that bathroom floor... Stay tuned.
Monday, November 1, 2010

So how did I get through my wedding day jitters? Well, I just held tight to Paco's hand and every worry or concern seemed to fade away. I've never felt more confident, secure, and even empowered than I do when I'm holding my husband's hand. And maybe that's why the past 14+ months have been especially difficult. Even though Paco and I talk every day, sometimes several times a day, it's just not the same when that hand you are aching to clasp onto--the one that lifts you up and gives you strength when you can't seem to find it on your own--is a continent away.
Just the other day Paco said to me. "You know, Tami, I truly believe that together, you and I can achieve whatever dreams and goals we set for ourselves. We can succeed in whatever we set our minds to."
What can I say? Paco IS my other half... My soul mate. He thinks so much like me it's scary at times...and completely wonderful! I'm just so thankful that one week from tonight, on our 15 month anniversary, I will finally be able to reach out, and clasp my husband's hand in mine. And I may never let go.
Stay tuned...
Monday, October 25, 2010

It's all official! Paco picked up the visas on Thursday. The only thing keeping my husband and daughters from being here now is 2 weeks and a plane ride. That's it!!! Wow--that was easy--NOT!!! But you know what? Often it's the best things in life that take the most effort, and getting Paco and the girls here was no exception...and definitely worth everything we've been through.
I have to thank my father-in-law, Pancho Torero (seen in picture above), who sat in his car outside of the US Embassy for 7+ hours last Monday. We had no idea the long ordeal Paco and the girls were about to endure. And since cell phones were confiscated upon entering the embassy, Paco had no way to contact his dad and fill him in on what was happening.
Paco's interview was scheduled for 7:30 a.m. After waiting for an hour he was called in and interviewed for an hour by a lady. She asked many questions about our relationship--and many of the same questions over and over. Finally he was asked to take a seat in the waiting area.
Three hours later he was called again--this time to be interviewed by a man. Again, the same questions were asked...and asked again...and again. Paco patiently answered everything they asked...over and over. And even though he remained calm and composed on the outside, on the inside he was getting very frustrated with these people. Sure, they're just doing their job, but all we're trying to do is to bring our family together. Trying to be with the ones we love most in this world.
Eventually it was determined that one document was missing and Paco was told that he needed to send a certified/notarized copy of this document to the embassy by 5 p.m. so the immigration process wouldn't be delayed further. If the document was sent by 5, he'd have the visas by the end of the week.
It was already after 2:00 p.m.!!!!
So Paco and the girls (who hadn't eaten since 5 am) ran out to Paco's dad in his waiting car and my father-in-law pulled a Steve McQueen (Lightening McQueen for you younger folks), and managed to get Paco to his attorney's office in no time. If you know the streets of Lima, Peru, you know what a miracle this was.
Paco ran into the office, approached the lady at the desk and requested a certified/notarized copy of this document they had in his file. "But Mr. Torero," the receptionist said. "Our notary is out of the office for a few hours. I'll need to call her. I'm not sure I can have this to you in time."
Now if you know my husband, you know that he is a take-charge person who can make things happen. He looked into this woman's eyes and said, "Senora, I'm in desperate need of your help right now. I have to have this document to the US Embassy in two and a half hours. Please, I need your help. I'm a sales manager for my company and with my resources there can see to it that many repairs you might need in your home are worked on--locks, windows, etc. You help me...and I'll help you."
"Well, Mr. Torero, let me see what I can do."
"Thank you," Paco said. "We'll be around the corner having lunch. Here's my cell phone number. Please call me as soon as you can."
Just as Paco, his dad, and the girls were finishing their lunch, Paco's cell phone rang. The document was ready--certified and notarized. Within minutes it was on its way to the US Embassy.
Sure enough, on Thursday the visas arrived...along with 3 sealed envelopes, each weighing about 6 pounds. These sealed envelopes contain every document compiled over this 15 month process, and will be turned over to US Customs as soon as they arrive in the United States. That's okay by me. They can keep every last document as long as I get to keep the 3 who will carry them into The States!
Now the big question is... On November 8th (our 15 month anniversary) what will I wear to the airport?
Stay tuned...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Maki's Lucky Dress

Tomorrow morning, Monday, October 18, 2010, Maki Torero will be wearing her "lucky dress." Paco had no idea his daughter even had a "lucky dress" until he asked the 9-year-old what she was wearing to the US Embassy for their visa interview.
"I'm wearing my lucky dress. You know--the one I wore on the day you married Mommy Tami."
"Oh, that's nice," Paco said.
"You were so happy and smiling that day," Maki continued. "If I wear it, I know it will be our lucky day, and you will be smiling forever because we'll get to live with Mommy Tami."
Have I mentioned how much I love this brilliant little girl...as well as her beautiful big sister (not to mention their incredibly handsome dad?!!!)

Every form we've filled out, every document we've had stamped, sealed, and translated, every fee we've paid, every overnight express package we've mailed (to each other or to The National Visa Center) has lead us to Monday morning at 7:30 (Central as well as Peruvian time). The outcome of this interview will allow us to FINALLY be the family that we've been anxious to be since the day Paco proposed to me. See the picture to the left? Just add in 7 more kids and there you have our not-so-little happy family. (Updated family picture to come AS SOON AS WE'RE ALL FINALLY TOGETHER!)
We're so sure everything will go well at the US Embassy tomorrow that Paco has already purchased their airline tickets. That's the other BIG DAY--the REALLY BIG DAY--November 8, 2010. 15 months from the day we were married, Paco and I will finally be together again...and this time, FOREVER!!!
As for me tomorrow... I think I'll follow the example of a brilliant 9-year-old and at 7:30 put on my "lucky dress." Yeah, it's a little formal...but that's okay. Tomorrow is THE BIG DAY!!!
More to come...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Life Imitating Art?

Oscar Wilde, the 19th-century Irish author once wrote, "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." Now I'm no philosopher, but to me this is one of those, which-comes-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg type concepts. Either way, over the past few months, as I've enjoyed one of my guilty pleasures--watching DVDs snuggled up in my bed--I've seen how this art/life concept relates to my own existence.
A few weeks ago I watched the movie Meet Joe Black. Early on in the movie, the character William Parrish, brilliantly played by Anthony Hopkins, offers advice to his daughter that struck me with such force--such truth--because at 46 years old, I finally know of what he speaks.
Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.
Paco's return to my life after 28 years has brought with it so many incredible things, but one thing forefront in my mind and heart is a love like none I've ever known--a connection to another human being like nothing I've ever experienced. Okay, I know what you're thinking... You've only been married for a year. True, but I first fell in love with Paco when I was 17 years old. (You can read that story HERE.) We've both lived many years of this life with its ups and downs, and realize the true blessing of this profound and renewed love that we share. What can I say? It feels like we've discovered a buried treasure, and now after so many years, it's resurfaced, refined, and more valuable than ever!
Another "Life Imitating Art" movie I recently watched was Letters to Juliet--definitely on my "favorite movies" list. There were so many similarities I found in this movie to my own life. One part in particular hit so close to home it had me totally, and completely in tears, sobbing like I haven't since the night I was forced to say goodbye to my husband at the Lima airport over a year ago (read THAT story HERE). When Claire, played by Vanessa Redgrave, is finally reunited in the vineyard with her first love, Lorenzo Bartolini, played by Franco Nero, after a 50 year separation, I was completely washed over by a huge wave of emotions--from regret for not writing back to Paco all those years ago after receiving his letter, to gratitude that it only took 28 years for us to reunite, rather than 50, like the couple in the movie. If I wasn't living my own slightly varied version of this story, I'd say, "Only in the movies..."
Just this afternoon Paco posted a comment on one of my Facebook profile pictures. This black and white photo was published in my college yearbook when I was 18, one year after I left Peru the first time. Paco wrote: That's exactly how I met you......JUST BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!...Now I know why I couldn't forget you.....
My reply: You're so sweet!!! And now I know why I couldn't forget you either!
A mutual friend posted a comment after mine--a comment that Paco and I hear all the time when we share our story with others: Awww....your romance is sweet. I love your love story. (I see a book about this in the future.)
A few weeks ago I watched the movie Meet Joe Black. Early on in the movie, the character William Parrish, brilliantly played by Anthony Hopkins, offers advice to his daughter that struck me with such force--such truth--because at 46 years old, I finally know of what he speaks.
Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.
Paco's return to my life after 28 years has brought with it so many incredible things, but one thing forefront in my mind and heart is a love like none I've ever known--a connection to another human being like nothing I've ever experienced. Okay, I know what you're thinking... You've only been married for a year. True, but I first fell in love with Paco when I was 17 years old. (You can read that story HERE.) We've both lived many years of this life with its ups and downs, and realize the true blessing of this profound and renewed love that we share. What can I say? It feels like we've discovered a buried treasure, and now after so many years, it's resurfaced, refined, and more valuable than ever!
Another "Life Imitating Art" movie I recently watched was Letters to Juliet--definitely on my "favorite movies" list. There were so many similarities I found in this movie to my own life. One part in particular hit so close to home it had me totally, and completely in tears, sobbing like I haven't since the night I was forced to say goodbye to my husband at the Lima airport over a year ago (read THAT story HERE). When Claire, played by Vanessa Redgrave, is finally reunited in the vineyard with her first love, Lorenzo Bartolini, played by Franco Nero, after a 50 year separation, I was completely washed over by a huge wave of emotions--from regret for not writing back to Paco all those years ago after receiving his letter, to gratitude that it only took 28 years for us to reunite, rather than 50, like the couple in the movie. If I wasn't living my own slightly varied version of this story, I'd say, "Only in the movies..."
Just this afternoon Paco posted a comment on one of my Facebook profile pictures. This black and white photo was published in my college yearbook when I was 18, one year after I left Peru the first time. Paco wrote: That's exactly how I met you......JUST BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!!...Now I know why I couldn't forget you.....
My reply: You're so sweet!!! And now I know why I couldn't forget you either!
A mutual friend posted a comment after mine--a comment that Paco and I hear all the time when we share our story with others: Awww....your romance is sweet. I love your love story. (I see a book about this in the future.)
Life imitating art? Art imitating life?
Who knows? But if it's ever a book, you better believe that I'll be the one who wrote it! :)
Oh, and only 24 days till Paco's immigration interview!!!!
Stay tuned...
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